NFT Marketplace
We created an NFT marketplace specifically for trading BlockAsset's digital collectibles. Blockasset is a leader in the web3-sports realm, to create a holistic digital sports arena for fans. Among their digital assets are $BLOCK and $ASSET tokens and athlete NFTs designed by world-renowned artists.
UI-UX Designer
UX Research, UI Design, Usability Testing
Aug 2023 - Oct 2023
How can we centralize and manage all NFT trading activities internally?
Buy and sell NFTs
Buy and sell NFTs of various athlete collections.
Detailed trade analysis
Know the latest trends, floor prices and trade statistics.
Blockchain activities
View all data stored on the decentralized ledger.
Dive Deep
Similar to many other web3 services, BA also boasts a close-knit community comprising individuals who utilize our platforms for NFT and Token-related services. We conducted user surveys and interviews within the community to gather valuable insights.
After conducting user interviews, we created a journey map to comprehensively grasp the tasks undertaken and identify any pain points experienced by the users.
We discovered that users wanted to:
Filter for the cheapest and rarest NFTs
Access analytics for floor trends, charts, and data analysis
Snip NFTs at the lowest prices
Check rarity, uncommon traits, and rankings of NFTs
The Design…
Other Works
Staking Experience
Group Order Made Easy